Petersfield Heath car park improvements 4 Nov 2016

Friends give TLC to Heath Road Car Park

The much-campaigned for improvements to Heath Road car-park edging got well underway this autumn thanks to the leadership of David Burstall, a dedicated member of the Friends of Petersfield Heath. He and his team of four used all the muscle they could muster to replace the old logs with 23 huge railway sleepers that now define the edge of the car-parking area.

For the past year the car park had presented a forlorn appearance. It had suffered from severe erosion over the years, leading to deep potholes, and the margins had become overgrown with nettles, brambles and bracken.

The re-surfacing improvements were carried out by Petersfield Town Council who also paid for the materials, including the sleepers, which were supplied by Travis Perkins.

David said, “The Friends volunteers worked very hard. Moving the sleepers was back-breaking really, but we finished on 4 November and are pleased with the result”.

Petersfield Heath car park improvements Nov 2016

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